02 July 2007

deer eyes

we are drinking beer
my friend and I
in th back of a silver minivan
on th way to edmonton

lying w-my friend, no purpose, gazing
out th window, somewhere around jasper

wondering man those mountains, but
when I hear my name I don't really
seem to care

turn it up, he says

effect and cause
effect and cause

and in typical road trip fashion
we talk about how far we've come
since prince george, in tits and pints
but not twenty-dollar bills,
kilometres or tears

in th mountain pass
I pay cover to think for a moment
back to some of those scenes. limes
and eyes

th'animals are all roadside. many deer
are dead, and no one is clearing th
bodies. we are relaxd in th back of
th silver minivan

we are relaxd like th'eyes that bulge out
of the deerheads at th yellowhead

and th trucks. and th night

is a red chill, my friend,
sips harp regret, for us,

th night is something
to hold on to from behind

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